Monday, August 31, 2009

My goal in clinic today, is to become a pro at setting up and tearing down my Op. My plan is to just practice everything until I feel like I have everything down. Everything went as planned, I feel like I can pass off my PE for setting up and tearing down with flying colors. Next time I want to practice taking my instruments to the sterilization room and putting them into the ultrasonic cleaner. I need to remember the only time I can leave my little cubicle is when I'm taking my dirty instruments to be sterilized.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Today was a very productive day in clinic. My goal today was to learn how to put my proper Personal Protective Equipment, properly use the air and water syringe, the saliva ejector and the HVE on the Typodont: also, my goal was to learn how to properly set-up and tear down my operator. My plan was to just practice everything until I feel very comfortable using them. I felt like everything went really good. I still feel like I still need a little more practice on all the steps of proper PPE when setting up and tearing down my operatory. So next time I practice proper PPE I need to remember to flush air lines: for some reason I couldn't remember to do that!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Today was my first day of clinic, my goal for today was to get settled into my Op. My plan was to get familiar with where everything was and to put all my instruments away. Today went really good, I am now familiar with where everything is in clinic and I am familiar with how to work my Op. I also feel pretty comfortable using Eaglesoft. So, I feel today was a very productive and good first day.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Today we had our orientation for Dental Hygiene. I've been here for about four hours now and I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed. I think we were supposed to have a lunch break today, but it is now 1:30 and I am starving. My breakfast bar I had this morning is not cutting it.