Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Today is definitely a bitter sweet day. I'm so excited I won't have clinic anymore, but I am definitely going to miss all my hygiene girls! For being done with all my requirements it hasn't been an easy day! My first patient was a class four that I had to finish up and my afternoon patient had a ton of staining. But I'm DONE!!! :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Finished Board pt.

Today I saw my board patient to finish up the left side of her mouth. I was so nervous because I had my professor check the upper right quadrant to see if I missed anything and she said she couldn't feel anything!! Thats such a relief. I have a little more confidence I passed now, but there's still always a chance I didn't. I wish WREB would just post our scores!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mockboard 3

This morning I finally made up my mockboard! My patient was so nice! Her calculus was SO tenacious! She didn't have huge radiographic calculus, but it did not want to come off. I ended up not missing anything, which is pretty amazing! I just hope the real board goes that smooth!!

This afternoon I finally finished my class 4 patient! He was so appreciative! He said his teeth are starting to not hurt anymore! That made me so happy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

LA mockboard!

This morning we had our local anesthetic mockboard. My peer pal was nice enough to be my patient. I kept telling myself it was just a practice exam and not to be nervous, but I was shaking in my boots! I ended up passing both injections, but my professor said I barely passed. I wasn't quite sure what that meant! I just hope I can pass the real board, even if it just barely :)

This afternoon I was supposed to make up my mockboard, but of course my patient didn't show up even though I talked to the this morning and she said she would be here. It's so annoying. I just hope I can find another patient that qualifies this Friday!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Last mockboard!!

So, I was so ready for my mockboard today. My patient comes and I take her back and I'm so engrossed in getting all the paperwork filled out so I get my patient check in on time that I didn't even notice a big honking cold sore on her lip! My professor comes up to me and says sorry we have to dismiss your patient because she has a cold sore! I wanted to break down and cry, but I kept telling myself I have more important things to worry about, like BOARDS! My professor was really nice and understanding and is allowing me to do it on a regular clinic day! What a relief!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First Class 4!!

This afternoon my patient ended up being a true calls 4!! I'm so excited since I haven't done any class 4's and need 8 quads. He had severe bone loss and bleeding on ever tooth with generalized deep pockets! He was so hard to clean! I only was able to get 1 quad done, but he seemed really appreciative!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

second mockboard

So my mockboard pt is my actual board patient so I'm excited to see how her calculus comes off. I ended up doing really well on mockboards! I got a 94%, which means I only missed one spot!! Her calculus was pretty hard to get, so I'm kind of nervous for the actual board! But my patient seems really reliable and is super nice!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Finally Some Injections!!

I was finally able to give some injections today!! YAY :) I sill only have 8 out of the 36 injections that we need, but at least I gave some today!! I still need more practice on the PSA. I have to remember to swing way out and down. I hope I get better with more practice...

This afternoon was kind of dissapointing. I had this guy scheduled who hasn't had his teeth cleaned for 30 years and of course he didn't show. But luckily I was able to see a 1A, which is better than nothing.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Back at the VA

My first day back at the VA was a pretty good day! My first patient was a class 2 and my afternoon patient was a class 5. My afternoon patient was the most adorable old man! Everyone got done way early, so we were able leave early!! YAY :)
I'm starting to worry about how many injections I have, I've only given 4 injections and our LA boards are coming up. I really need to get on that!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Finally a BREAK!!!

I found my mockboard and board pt. today!! Yes I said BOARDS!! I really didn't think I would be able to find a patient! Now she just has to show up and I have to pass! Sounds easier than it really is...
The end is near!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

first day back of my LAST semester!!

Today was the easiest day ever! I couldn't see my first patient because he had a heart surgery 5 months ago and he needs to waite the full 6 months before he has any elective care done. So, the only thing I could do was his HHX and x-rays. My cousin was my second patient and she was a way easy 1B! Not a bad way to start the last semester off!!