Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mockboard 3

This morning I finally made up my mockboard! My patient was so nice! Her calculus was SO tenacious! She didn't have huge radiographic calculus, but it did not want to come off. I ended up not missing anything, which is pretty amazing! I just hope the real board goes that smooth!!

This afternoon I finally finished my class 4 patient! He was so appreciative! He said his teeth are starting to not hurt anymore! That made me so happy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

LA mockboard!

This morning we had our local anesthetic mockboard. My peer pal was nice enough to be my patient. I kept telling myself it was just a practice exam and not to be nervous, but I was shaking in my boots! I ended up passing both injections, but my professor said I barely passed. I wasn't quite sure what that meant! I just hope I can pass the real board, even if it just barely :)

This afternoon I was supposed to make up my mockboard, but of course my patient didn't show up even though I talked to the this morning and she said she would be here. It's so annoying. I just hope I can find another patient that qualifies this Friday!