Thursday, September 30, 2010

Crazy, Crazy Day!!

This morning I saw a way easy class 5. She had so many bridges and crowns, that I really didn't have to scale any calculus. She did have the smallest mandibular linguals though. I had the hardest time adapting my instruments because her teeth were so tinny!! I ended up finishing my patient an hour early, so I saw Kailene's extra patient. I only had about 40 minutes, so I only did the OD and of course she's ANOTHER class 5! No more class 5's please :)
My afternoon patient hasn't had her teeth cleaned for about 15 years!! Her teeth actually looked pretty good considering it's been so long. She ended up being a class 3, which I'm so excited about!! She was seriously the best patient! She let me take an FMX, which was my first one all semester. I was hoping I could scale 2 quads, but apparently I was thinking too big. I was only able to get one quad done.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pretty easy day!

This morning I finished my class 2 patient. I realized I really need to work on using a more forceful lateral working stroke, especially where the calculus was tenacious. I used my mini graceys for the first time and I actually really liked them because my patient had tenacious calculus, but her tissues were pretty tight. This afternoon I saw a 1B, but she was a pretty hard patient for just being a 1B. I felt like it took me so long to clean her teeth and all I could think about was it shouldn't take so long to clean a 1B. Ugh!!

Day 2 at VA

I had two great experiences today. My first patient was a class 3 on his lowers. I found that I need to go more subgingival when scaling. And my second patient was on periomaintenance. I love it when I get classification that are anything but 1B's!!

Womans health connection

I was able to go to the Woman's Health Connection on Friday. It was a really humbling experience to see so many women who have never had a cleaning in their life because they don't have the resources or they can't afford it. I was able to get a few names, so I can get them into the clinic and CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN their teeth!! :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First day back in the clinic

This morning I was a little disappointed because I thought for sure my patient was going to be a class 3, but she was a class 2. Not a big deal I was just hoping for the class 3. Even though she was a class 3 doesn't mean she was easy. She had really tenacious subgingival calculus, so I was only able to finish 2 quads.
This afternoon was really relaxing. My Dad came in and he's just a 1B, so we were done way early!!

First day at the VA

Wow I think I'm still so lost on EVERYTHING!! Actually I would have to say for being my first day, it went pretty well. I was able to get one quad of a class 3 done. Which is not too shabby! But I felt like a complete idiot when the doctor couldn't pull up my patients perio chart! He was kind a jerk to me!! But all in all it was a pretty good day.