Thursday, November 11, 2010


Let me just say today was the weirdest day EVER! My first patient in the morning was a way easy 1B, who hadn't had his teeth cleaned in 10 years! I was shocked how well he took care of his teeth. Then I saw a second patient who was CRAZY!! When I tried to bring him back he acted very childish and kept trying to run away from me. When I finally got him in my chair he became very friendly and started hitting on me, saying I just was so cute and looked like a little doll! AHH. So I start the cleaning and I'm just scaling away because he's a class 3 and he pulls out this Kermit the frog that was on his key chain and slowly starts moving it towards my face. (I have no words) Then out of no where he starts freaking out and says he needs to get his medicine or he's going to "tear" the office apart. So I try to set him up so he can get his medicine and he says, "No its ok we're almost done." (Please make up your mind) So... I grab the doctor and have him do an exam. Halfway through the exam my patient jumps out of the chair and just starts yelling saying swear word after swear word!! (I'm definitly scared now) I walk the patient up to the front and try to get him scheduled to come back with the prosthedontist and he starts yelling and swearing at the poor front desk lady. All I can do is say good luck and I left....

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that sounds like a very interesting and exciting day! I would have been a little scared myself. Now you have a good story and got a class three out of the deal:)
